April 12th: Easter



  • My favorite headline today: “Kansas Supreme Court Upholds Governor's Order Limiting The Size Of Easter Services.” I wish all my fellow citizens religious freedom, but now is not the time to crowd into any building. Even church. Blessed be.

  • Fox News Faces Lawsuit For Calling COVID-19 A ‘Hoax.”

  • The Post Office: There are many headlines about saving the USPS, but this article suggests that it isn’t going to close anytime soon. That they’re running out of money isn’t in question, it’s more unclear if this is a government entity that could even be closed. I found this thread from a postal worker quite informative.

  • On March 10th, the Vice President stated that by the end of that week, 4 million Coronavirus tests would be available around the country. As of April 10th, he reported that 2.1 million tests have been performed. Let’s keep an eye on promises vs. reality.

  • People are posting their Senior pictures in support of the class of 2020 and it’s glorious. My 90s hair can be fully appreciated here.

Photo by Chavdar Lungov

Photo by Chavdar Lungov

I had a lovely chat with both of my sisters today and accomplished little outside of lying in the park for 90 minutes. Everyone there was at least 50-100 feet apart and I simply let the sun shine on my face and listened to a podcast. It was relaxing and delightful.

For some reason I found myself telling my sister Donette old tales from my Brooklyn days. Notably the time I was walking Hunter after a weekend away when suddenly one of the neighborhood drug dealers greeted Hunter like an old friend.

This was odd because generally one knows all the same people as her dog. Hunter didn’t routinely roam the streets of Prospect Heights making friends on his own (though to be fair, he was quite charming).

Naturally my roommate Susie confirmed that she and Hunter had met Goldtooth (whom we had nicknamed previously) who seemed to really take a shine to him. Life continued on peacefully until some time later Goldtooth and his business parter had some kind of falling out and engaged in a shootout near our building.

I missed the whole thing but was assured they hit nothing but some empty car windows. Amazingly they reunited and we started seeing them together in the neighborhood again. If two guys can repair whatever made them shoot at each other, then there’s hope for the rest of us.

Winners & Tearjerkers of the Internet:

  • This article on Medium titled “Prepare for the Ultimate Gaslighting” has surely gone viral at this point. I highly recommend. He makes some great points about how important it is to remember how we got to this moment.

  • SNL did their first remote episode last night and ended with a tribute to Hall Willner, their music producer, who just died of “symptoms consistent with coronavirus.” I didn’t know anything about him before yesterday, but it made my cry.

  • Jennifer Nettles sings “Tomorrow” in this powerful video.

  • A Dolphin escaped captivity, found her family in the wild and had a baby. If this doesn’t make you smile, I can’t help you.

Left to Right: A sign in my neighborhood, their lights and contribution to the local “bear hunt,” My Hunter and his Aunt Donette in Brooklyn in the summer of 2001, and Easter silliness.


April 13th: Unhinged


April 11th: Church