April 14th: World Health Organization


  • I am seriously considering naming my next dog “Fauci.” Discuss.

Photo Credit: NIAID

Photo Credit: NIAID

I took a walk hung outside the coffee shop a bit. I spotted a familiar face doing the same - another regular I’d said a casual “hello” to from time to time. We started chatted and it turned into such a great conversation

Tim is a local, like me, and he used to live on the streets. He was homeless here in Berkeley for five years.

It really is remarkable - we all go around, living our busy lives, and there are all these fascinating people who live among us that we never take the time to know. I’ve probably seen Tim at the coffee shop at least half dozen times, and we’ve never talked before, but today we chatted for easily an hour (six feet apart, of course). He’s written for our local news site, Berkeleyside, as well as Street Spirit, a local paper servicing the homeless community in Berkeley and Oakland.

He told me what it’s like to live on the street, and how it was ten times harder for women. How a friend of his, who sounded amazing and generous to her friends, was tough as nails with everyone else. A product of surviving that life. She got to a point where she just couldn’t take it anymore and committed suicide.

We talked about how this crisis may really change how people view homelessness. You always hear/read things like “50% of people in the US are two paychecks away from homelessness,” but now, with millions of people missing that second, third, or forth paycheck, it’s coming into sharp focus. Many cities have enacted bans on eviction, as well as rent and/or mortgage forgiveness. But even with that, how long will it take for people to catch up? How many are in massive lines at food banks.

This is a conversation that will stay with me, and am sure to see my new friend Tim around the neighborhood for more. I gave him this site, so I hope he doesn’t mind the mention if he reads this. Hopefully he’ll just offer me writing tips.

As much as I was looking forward to getting home for to watch today’s press conference <face-palm>, my morning was much better spent.

Winners of the Internet:

Canceling Their Annual Tulip Festival, This Oregon Farm Began Delivering Flowers To Isolated Seniors.

Music Legend Rod Stewart and his daughter give a concert on FB live. They’re pretty cute.

World Health Organization (WHO) logo.

World Health Organization (WHO) logo.


April 15th: What’s Next?


April 13th: Unhinged