March 19: CA in Lockdown
STAY HOME: All of California has been ordered to stay the hell home (STHH).
NO MASKS: Medical workers are running out of masks and other protective gear.
WINE: CA wineries are still allowed to operate, but tasting rooms are closed. No need to panic-shop for wine. Yes, that’s a thing.
ODD: Some mysterious person has affixed these odd medallions to sidewalks around Berkeley and I am here for it. (See last photo below)
COMMENTS: You can now leave comments below. God help us all.
Morning - Called Aunt CeCe and ranted about the state of the world and expressed my deep concern for the state of Florida in general.
Pro tip: If you have not yet watched college students on a Florida beach saying “hey man, I planned this trip forever ago….like 2, 3 months….if I get corona, I get it…….” then please don’t. You get the gist here. Save yourself. I refuse to post a link. That’s how much I care.
I scheduled a phone interview with a company that found me on - we’ll see. Also heard back from a friend of a friend at a local company who’s going to submit me internally.
Whenever I need a bit of inspiration, I look to my dear friend Joe Donatelli. He wrote this epic masterpiece entitled "Gimme a damn job" while in the midst of a job hunt. One of many great lines: “What’s my biggest weakness? My biggest weakness is allowing you to ask that question in my presence".”
Joe, thank you for your service.
12pm: I left my apartment for a nearby grocery. I wanted their pre-made tunafish. I see you re-reading that. Grocery runs are allowed.
My beloved coffee shop was en route and open for take-out, so stopped to see David and grab a coffee. David is a friend and a talented Barista. I hope this tiny & amazing shop survives all of this. He said business was still pretty strong but it’s eerily quiet. He’s enjoying playing his favorite music instead of the more toned-down stuff he normally plays for customers. So let us take a moment to thank our local baristas for NOT playing death metal or whatever they’re truly passionate about. (For the record, David has fine musical taste).
2:30pm I got sidetracked and forgot to listen to Common’s livestream. I’m sorry, Common. You’re in my heart.
3:46 pm SF Chronicle Reporter Megan Cassidy reports via Twitter that nurses at Kaiser SF are protesting what they say are “dangerously relaxed standards.” This is…. not encouraging.
4pm Listened to the Indigo Girls livestream. This is a good tonic to hearing about dangerous medical practices in the City. It kept buffering and stopping, so truly hoping they had such a great turnout that they broke Facebook Live. Perhaps all of us who went to Lilith Fair tuned in at the same time?
5:14pm Kelly is insisting again that I watch “Vanderpump Rules.” I don’t care how much she begs me. I watched it with her in Denver, but I draw the line outside the confines of her living room. I also watched “Married at First Sight” with my sister over Christmas in Ohio. Vegas rules apply.
5:21pm Called a dear friend who is very worried her Dad has coronavirus and has thus far refused testing. Truly hoping he may just have the plain old flu. We debated whether taking a walk together while six feet apart is feasible.
7:20pm Got a message from an old high school friend, checking to make sure I’m ok. We had a lovely catch-up that is so soothing in these odd times. She just lost her Dad, an incredibly sweet man who I remember well, and we commiserated on losing loved ones. You’re never ready.
8:42pm Dannie and I talked about…stuff. I wouldn’t even mention, but I think she will enjoy the notoriety. #WeAreDanielle
11:54 Found a Covid-19 BareNaked Ladies song that mad me very happy. Goodnight.
Row 1 Left to Right: SF City Hall lit up in honor of Italy, beautiful SF, the historic Grand Lake in Oakland closed, & a lone runner
Row 2 Left to Right: , 301 Sutter Street, view of Berkeley from the Berkeley labs, the Presidio, & a mysterious medallion in Berkeley