March 17: Shelter in Place

Empty SF FiDi.jpeg

San Francisco Financial District

Monday morning, 3/17. A new reality


Day 1

9am-1pm: Get up. Eat breakfast. Check news updates and all social media. Text with a few friends. Make healthy salad. Yes, this took 4 hours. I’m unemployed. This pseudo-quarantine is already my everyday life.

1-2pm: Watch John Legend’s streaming concert and feel soothed. Chrissy was a definite highlight, as was their daughter. Could’ve done without him plugging his upcoming album, different projects, etc. etc but still, good for him. We need a break from the ever-present gloom. He’s a good egg.

2pm: Transition from pj pants to sweats.

2-3pm: Came up with the idea for this blog and its format and sent idea to two trusted girlfriends. Still trading texts with one of them now, the other just called me. Outlined my idea for Kelly and she is on board. Years ago she suggested my memoir be named “Reasonably Well Adjusted” so she gets full credit here. Spent 15-20 tinkering with the format on Squarespace. They say it’s easy, but it still takes time to figure out. I’m not a Graphic Designer for Christ’s sake.

Dannie just called and is ready to rant about something. Have a feeling this may be juicy. This could easily put John Legend in 2nd place. Sorry, John.

4:16pm: Continue to build this site. Broke down and texted Dannie to call me. She had to hang up before for a work call. I can feel something brewing. Now listening to Keith Urban’s mini concert from this morning. I love that sexy Aussie. He better sing “You’ll Think of Me,” the ultimate post break-up song. “Take your cat and leave my sweater. We have nothing left to weather.” I mean, COME ON! Those are some deeply satisfying lyrics:

Take your records, take your freedom
Take your memories I don't need 'em
Take your space and take your reasons
But you'll think of me
And take your cap and leave my sweater
'Cause we have nothing left to weather

All these years I thought it was “Take your CAT and leave my sweater.” Damn me for Googling the lyrics. Always thought the cat part was quite funny…need some time to adjust.

4:30pm Dannie calls back. We rant a totally appropriate amount over Americans not socially isolating as they should. (Looking at YOU Spring Breakers in Florida!).

6:06pm: Local news conference by SF Mayor and other officials. They’re now allowing for pick up or delivery from dispensaries of medical marijuana for those who need it medically.

San Francisco will expedite hiring of nurses and other health care workers. They will speed up process from 6 months to a period of hiring “on the spot” and start them within a week. Hiring fairs are starting. Trying to fill 100 nursing vacancies with a focus on ER and Intensive Care. Texted this info to a dear friend who’s an ER Doc in Atlanta. To be safe she’s been staying away from her parents and most of her friends. I’m scared for her.

8pm: Bubble bath with candles while listening to a podcast. Highly recommend. Turning off news to watch some bad TV.


March 18: Day 2 - Doing our best