March 22: Midwest & East Coast Shutdowns
States Implementing Various “Stay at Home” Measures or Sweeping Business Closures
“Shelter in place,” “Stay at home,” and New York State is on “PAUSE”
Tuesday, 3/17: Nevada
Thursday, 3/19: California, Pennsylvania & Connecticut, Florida (but some beaches still open)
Friday, 3/20: Oregon
Saturday, 3/21 : Illinois as of 5pm CST, New Jersey as of 9pm EST
Sunday night, 3/22: New York as of 8pm EST
Monday (tomorrow) as of midnight, 3/23: Ohio & Kentucky and Louisiana as of 5pm CST
Tuesday, 3/24: Delaware as of 8am EST
Friday: UK: Shutdown of pubs, restaurants and most schools.
Australia is shutting down non-essential services. They had to close the beaches in Sydney this weekend due to crowds, but he Prime Minister is keeping the schools open for now. In a real head-scratcher, the National Rugby League says it will carry on with matches as planned.
Germany is not here to play. Today they banned groups of more than two people gathering (except families). Chancellor Angela Merkel is going into isolation because her doctor tested positive for the virus.
Monday/Tuesday: New Zealand prepares for massive school and business closures.
9am-3pm I would say I need to get a life, but everyone’s in the same boat. After breakfast I watched Governor DeWine’s press conference and texted with my sisters. Ohio’s official “stay at home” order goes into effect tomorrow night. Day cares can only operate under a “pandemic childcare license” and are limited to 1 teacher per 6 kids. Parents, hang in there.
I should mention my favorite Ohio public health professional, Dr. Amy Acton, Ohio Department of Public Health. She has a very interesting backstory and seems a calm head in troubled times.
3-4pm: Watched the Berkeley Relief Livestream event with Author & Berkeley resident Michael Lewis (The Big Short, Moneyball) and Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguín. They had everyone from local business owners and musicians to the Chancellor of Berkeley join them. Money raised will go towards emergency relief grants to small businesses, nonprofit arts organizations, and residential tenants.
Reports indicate Rand Paul was the first known US Senator to test positive for coronavirus. I may have opinions on his politics, but wish him a speedy recovery.
4pm: Took a short walk down the bike path and have breaking news: the pickleball courts are now CLOSED due to Covid-19. I’m sure the locals are sad, but it’s the right thing. We shall soldier on.
Winners of the Internet
Nick Heath, British sports commentator figured out how to commentate everyday events: dogs playing, grocery shopping, getting a table for brunch, you name it. As the Brits would say, “fair play to you, sir.” On Twitter: @nickheathsport.
Astronaut Scott Kelly gives tips on isolation, including this gem: “I’ve found that most problems aren’t rocket science, but when they are rocket science, you should ask a rocket scientist.”
Row 1 Left to Right: Empty Santa Clara, the medallion closest to my home, Alameda beach, heroes delivering masks & medical supplies..
Row 1 Left to Right: My open neighborhood coffee shop, Pickleball CLOSED, gorgeous SF & the 8 feet between my couch and front door, perfect for a safe “hello!” to neighbors.